Saturday, November 27, 2010

A Baby Shower and Thanksgiving

So, since I last blogged both my baby shower and Thanksgiving past. Well, Thanksgiving was just two days ago so Im not that far behind, right?

My baby shower was on the 20th. We had a GREAT turnout! So much support from friends and family. It's awesome. Also, there were rainbows in the sky everywhere that day! The timing couldnt have been more perfect! A good friend of mine was able to snap a pic with her phone (arent those things just amazing these days???) and Im so thankful she did. It's a picture I will cherish forever.

Im finally letting myself truly get excited about this pregnancy and my little girl. I can not wait to meet her! Of course I still have my, "what if" days but excitement and joy are in the forefront of my mind and let me tell you, it is so refreshing!

Thanksgiving was nice. Just simple and relaxing -the way I prefer it! We went to my parent's house and feasted over there with my family and the in-laws. It was really nice! Jacob's favorite part is eating the olives Grammy puts out. What can I say? He is his mother's son.

Party Favors From the Baby Shower

A rainbow for my Rainbow Baby's, baby shower -Mommy loves you Nolan!

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